Friday, January 06, 2006

In the news...

"Robertson suggests God smote Sharon - evangelist links Israeli leader's stroke to 'dividing God's land'"

Ok...first a disclaimer - although my blog's title suggests that it will be ALL about music (I promise that the majority of the topics will have SOMETHING to do with music), there are other topics that will spark my interest and compell me to share my thoughts...

That having been said, where do we draw the line between religion and fanaticism? In light of several comments made recently by Robertson, I would venture to place him in the category of fanaticism (at the risk of incurring the wrath of Pat Robertson followers - then again...why follow Pat? He is not God). When will he be held accountable? What scares me most is the fact that as large as his following is, about 99.9% of his supporters hang on his every word...pretty darn close to a cult following if you ask me. As a "Christian" person - no..."Christian" so-called LEADER...what he SHOULD be doing is praying for Sharon (and asking his people to do the same). The same goes for the Katrina victims and those in the midwest affected by the flooding.

Finally, what religious leader in their right mind would suggest the assassination of Hugo Chavez? What exactly has Mr. Chavez done to him (or the US in general)? I believe that Mr. Robertson's health (mental) should be evaluated.

*Rant off*

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